ITG can provide you with:
- Information Technology
- Computer Hardware,
- Tablets Storage,
- Security
- Software & Cloud Software
- Virtualization and Cloud Computing XaaS (e.g. SaaS=Storage as a Service)
- Networking & Communications (Network Appliances)
- Routers,
- Modems,
- Telecommunication Devices and
- Monthly Service
- AV/Conferencing
- A/V Equipment and Accessories,
- TVs, Display Monitors,
- Projectors and Screens
- Supporting Technology
- Scanners,
- Printers,
- Copiers,
- Shredders,
- Associated Supplies and Accessories,
- Sensors,
- Health IT
- Services
- Maintenance,
- Warranty Site Planning,
- Installation Product Based Training,
- Product Based Engineering Services
Looking for a quote for hardware, software, or IT services?
How to obtain a quote…
The only method provided, and therefore recommended, by the NASA SEWP Program
Office for obtaining SEWP Quotes is the utilization of the SEWP Quote Request Tool
available at the SEWP Website.
Use of this tool assists in providing and documenting Fair Opportunity and verifying and assuring items quoted are on contract and properly priced.
Program Support

Contact: Integration Technologies Group, Inc.
Phone: 703-698-8282
Contract Number: NNG15SC79B
CAGE Code: 1EJ55
Contact Us
Christine Moore |
Program Manager |
703-485-0798 |
christine.moore [@] |